Please help us make this movie




“Really chilling stuff. Very horrific but hopeful. Awesome.”
- Rod Glenn, Acclaimed author of the Sinema series of books.




In the past, the team has self-funded all of their work, putting in over £30,000 for their first feature film Walk Away (Which is in a protracted post-production cycle). But with the intended scope of Too Young to Die getting bigger and better during the writing process, we're looking to broaden our horizons.


We're not the kind of team to ask for a handout though. We want to build a community and enrich this film's brand. We want to take first hand advice and opinions from people like you: the film fans. As the development continues we're going to be giving unprecedented access to our process to make sure anyone who wants to give input is able to and those who don't can just be excited knowing we're making it as good as we possibly can.


Anyone who can contribute to this film, either with services, products, financing, anything, please get in touch and let us know.


If you'd like more detailed information about the movie, including what we're trying to accomplish, what we've done before, and more! - Or if you just want to spread the word about us and need some info and pics, Please download our electronic press kit!





The film is sponsored by:


(If you'd like to see your logo or brand here, get in touch with us and we can discuss options for sponsoring the film)